Breville BTA630XL Lift and Look Touch Toaster Review

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Breville electronics is known for production of high tech electronics. This is why we selected the Breville BTA630XL Lift and Look Touch Toaster as our product of the day. This electronic toaster is designed innovatively to anticipate your bread browning needs.

It can provide you with a quick toast in those mornings full of hassle, or a bagel at 2:00 AM when u wake up hungry for a light night time snack. With special functions and innovative features, it provides a touch of the desirable browning and crispiness at the end of the cycle.

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Five different browning settings

The Breville lift and look toaster features 5 different settings to give you the desired toast. These settings include Toast/ cancel, Lift & Look, Bagel, Defrost and A-Bit-More. The A-Bit-More setting is especially beneficial for those busy women who have a hassle in the morning. I

f you think the bread is not toasted well enough, just press this button, and the bread will lower itself to continue the browning. The wider slots can house different kinds of pastries and bagel to add to your breakfast and lunch choices.

LED progress indicator

To indicate the progress of the toaster, an LED indicator has been integrated. This leads the user to track the progress and remove the bread when desired browning is achieved. An audible sound is produced when thw toasting is complete and the bread can be taken out. A lift-and-look feature allows checking the toast and allowing mid-cycle adjustments as well.

To ease the clean-up of the toaster, there is a feature of slide-out crumb tray. This collects all the crumbs which then can be removed to prevent their sticking up inside the toaster. The toaster has a heavy-duty plastic based exterior. This can be easily wiped with a damp cloth to further ease the cleaning.

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Specs and features

  • Item Dimensions: 15.5 x 8.1 x 8.2 in
  • Item weight: 6 lbs.
  • Material type: White
  • Color: Plastic
  • Origin: USA
  • Slot length: 9.5 inches
  • Motor based one touch technology

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  • Adjustable controls for desirable toasting
  • LED based indicator of toaster progress
  • One touch motorized look and lift
  • 5 different Push button controls
  • Wider slots to accommodate all the bagels, pastries and breads
  • Motor based carriage
  • Plastic exterior which can be cleaned easily

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  • Toaster tends to heat up rapidly
  • Cannot toast all breads with same level of browning


Some of the cases have reported the overheating and burning of the toaster. However, this may be the result of carelessness and prolonged use in one time. Since the case of the Breville Lift and Look Touch Toaster is plastic based, the toaster must not be used for too long continuously.

Other than that, the performance is good. The Breville BTA630XL Lift and Look Touch Toaster browns the toast to the desired level. All the features integrate well to save time in the busy mornings. For the improved performance, it is recommended not to use the toaster at any time without crumb tray. It should be cleaned regularly as well. We recommend this product to our readers.

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